Alleged Cretaceous Hand Bones

DRAFT © 2006, Glen J. Kuban

In 2002 strict creationist Carl Baugh sponsored a lecture in Glen Rose, Texas featuring Dr. Gutierrez of Columbia who showed what was purported to be a set of human hand bones in Cretaceous rock. A website about the lecture stated that the bones were brought to Baugh's Creation Evidence Museum for academic analysis, but I am not aware of any results of such analysis being published by Baugh or anyone else. This is perhaps not surprising, since the photos presented show bones that are very elongate, with the individual bones showing shapes and proportions unlike human hand bones. They evidently belong to a Cretaceous turtle or turtle like reptile, many of which had five digits on each foot and superficially human like bones.
alleged Cretaceous hand bones
alleged Cretaceous hand bones