Bulk Fossils
By PaleoScene www.paleo.cc

Glen J. Kuban
11815 Westwold Dr, Tomball, TX 77377
Phone 832-647-7933
E-mail: gkpaleo@yahoo.com

Discount pricing for Tuscon Fossil Lab, for 100+ quantities.
Prices include packaging each fossil in individual zip bags with identification labels.
Example shown at left.

(Click on images for larger views)

Fossil Seed Ferns
Pennsylvanian, Central Penn.

.75 each

Belemnites, Deleaware

.75 each, Grade A & B (most 1.5-4" with point or good taper)
.50 each, Study grade (smaller or lacking point)

Mucrospirifer sp., Northeastern Ohio
Devonian period, Approx. 380 million years old

.30 each, mostly study grade B (most largely complete)
.25 each, mostly study grade C

Platystrophia sp., Northern Kentucky
Ordovician, Approx. 470 million years old

.75 each, study grade B (most largely whole)
.50 each, study grade C

Horn corals Caninia sp., Northern Texas
Pennsylvanian period, Approx. 305 million years old

.75 each, mostly study grade B (most largely whole)
.50 each, mostly study grade C

Crinoid stems sp., Indiana and Northern Texas
Carboniferous (Penn. & Miss.), 310-355 million years old

.30 /bag (2 or more specimens per bag, some on matrix)

Shark teeth, Morrocco
Cretaceous, Approx. 105 million years old
Most are sand shark teeth

.10 each, Most are largely whole, 1/2 to 1 inch; some broken
Each bag will have at least one tooth 1/2 inch or larger
Bags with a broken tooth will also have a smaller whole tooth

Petrified wood, Southern Texas
Eocene, Approx. 45 million years old

.25 each (most 1 - 3 inches)

Ram's horn oysters Ilymatogyra sp., Northern Texas
Lower Cretaceous, Approx. 105 million years old

.35 each, study grades A & B (large & well formed)
.25 each, study grade C (smaller or with shorter spiral)

Ceratostreon sp., Northern Texas
Lower Cretaceous, Approx. 105 million years old

.25 each, study grade (mixture of large & small specimens)

Texigraphea oysters sp., Northern Texas
Lower Cretaceous, Approx. 105 million years old

.25 each, study grade (mixture of large & small specimens)